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Helping you earn through partnerships.

Our top priority is to help you learn and earn. Our articles are provided free of charge, and the information found here can help you build wealth for life. We offer an independent perspective on financial services, financial markets, and good practices for personal finance. Our main goal is to help you grow your money.

Wealthy Millionaire helps you earn by recommending services through our carefully vetted list of partnerships. Our research and professional insight were built through years of financial industry experience, and our recommended products are based on an independent analysis of the best service providers in the market. These recommendations are objective; we do not accept special payments to recommend products and services from our partners.

Loan offers that appear on this site are from companies from which Wealthy Millionaire receives compensation. This compensation may impact how and where products appear on this site (including, for example, the order in which they appear). Wealthy Millionaire does not include all lenders or loan offers available in the marketplace.

Find out how to get the right
loan for your needs.

If you’re in need of a loan then get the information you need
to make the right decisions to get the best loan possible.

Loans 101

Whether you’re going to school, starting a business, buying a new car, or simply making a large purchase, knowing how to get the right loan at a good rate can save you lots of money. Explore our resources on loans to learn how you can find the right lender for your needs and pay a fair price. Wealthy Millionaire has the information you need to get the most out of your loans.

What Happens if You Default on a Loan?

Failing to repay your loan leads to severe consequences—you can lower your credit score and even lose your car or home. Find out what can happen and how you can avoid this route altogether.

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How To Get a Small-Business Loan

A loan can help get your small business up and running or keep it going through difficult times. Here are the steps you need to take to qualify for a small-business loan.

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How to Decrease Your Car Payment

If your current car payment is straining your finances, there are several ways to lower it and free up more of your money. Here are some options for getting lower payments.

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What’s the Best Student Loan Repayment Plan for You?

Paying back student loans can be a long, arduous process. Choosing the right student loan repayment plan for you can save you plenty of hassle and money.

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How Does a USDA Loan Work?

A USDA-backed loan can be more accessible and affordable than a regular loan. Find out more about USDA loans and if this type of loan is right for you.

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How To Find a Low Interest Rate on a Personal Loan

Your personal loan interest rate depends on several factors, including your credit rating, loan type, and lender. Here’s our guide for how to shop around for the best lender and personal loan for you.

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