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Average Car Insurance Rates by Age and Gender

Average Car Insurance Rates

Car insurance premiums can be hard to understand. When you move, buy a car, or get older, your average car insurance rates can go up or down. While premium changes can feel arbitrary, they’re ultimately tied to you.

Age and gender are the most common factors that impact the average car insurance rate. How these factors impact your rate differs depending on where you live. But, most states allow age and gender to be part of the equation that produces that average car insurance rate for an individual. 

This guide will outline average car insurance rates by age, gender, and state, so you can know what to expect and make sure you’re getting a decent rate.

Estimate Your Car Insurance Rates by Age and State

One of the best ways to know if you’re getting a good rate on your car insurance is to figure out the average car insurance rates across the U.S.

There are dozens of car insurance providers to choose from, including large companies like Geico, Progressive, and State Farm, along with local and regional options such as Erie Insurance.

To get an estimated average car insurance rate based on your gender, age, and state, there are several online calculators you can use. Another option is to call several insurers to get quotes.

Whether you’re looking for cheap car insurance for over 30s, or the cheapest auto insurance for a 19-year-old female, the best option is to shop around.

Charts: Car Insurance Rates by Age and Gender

The average car insurance rates across the U.S. differ based on where you live. But by looking at the national averages, you can get a good idea of what you can expect to pay.

These tables show average car insurance premiums for both male and female drivers. Rates were obtained from the top five largest auto insurers across the country.

Full Coverage Insurance Rates

Full coverage is a type of car insurance. These policies provide extra coverage on top of your state’s minimum insurance requirements. The average car insurance rates in the chart below reflect a policy with both comprehensive and collision insurance, as well as uninsured motorist and liability coverage.

Age Female Male
16 $6,055 $6,858
17 $4,871 $5,562
18 $4,206 $4,859
19 $3,087 $3,567
20 $2,769 $3,195
21 $2,298 $2,609
22 $2,152 $2,378
23 $2,005 $2,202
24 $1,896 $2,068
25 $1,719 $1,801
30 $1,588 $1,581
35 $1,573 $1,556
40 $1,544 $1,529
45 $1,528 $1,516
50 $1,451 $1,445
55 $1,421 $1,419
60 $1,414 $1,415
65 $1,452 $1,463
70 $1,527 $1,546
75 $1,666 $1,736
80 $1,831 $1,957

Minimum Coverage Rates

Minimum coverage is exactly what it sounds like. It’s the least amount of coverage that meets a state’s requirement. So, the amount of these policies will depend on where you live.

The rates in the chart below reflect the minimum coverage averages across the country. Be aware that rates vary widely by state.

Age Female Male
16 $2,374 $2,620
17 $1,868 $2,090
18 $1,573 $1,761
19 $1,125 $1,244
20 $992 $1,088
21 $821 $882
22 $766 $813
23 $709 $745
24 $671 $698
25 $614 $617
30 $572 $555
35 $569 $548
40 $564 $545
45 $560 $542
50 $539 $531
55 $528 $522
60 $529 $524
65 $551 $549
70 $587 $590
75 $651 $671
80 $726 $770

How Age Affects Your Car Insurance Rates

As many new drivers quickly discover, being behind the wheel at a young age is expensive. Young drivers often pay some of the highest rates for auto insurance coverage. There are two main reasons why.

First, young drivers have less experience on the road. Experience is one of the top factors that insurance companies use to set premiums. Second, studies have found that young drivers are at a higher risk of being in an accident.

A study conducted by the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety determined that 16 and 17-year-old drivers are more than four times more likely to be in an accident when compared to drivers aged 30-59.

To find the cheapest auto insurance for a 20-year-old male or female, the best option is to compare rates from different insurers.

How Gender Affects Your Car Insurance Rates

Along with your age, most insurance companies also consider your gender in determining what you’ll pay for car insurance. Looking at rates from the largest insurers across the U.S., male drivers aged 16 or older have slightly higher rates.

By age 30, women are paying a little more than men. By 60, rates swap again, and men are back to having higher rates.

Why are men often more expensive to insure than women? A study conducted by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety found that male drivers, no matter their age, are 63% more likely to be involved in a fatal car accident.

Young male drivers are at an even higher risk, which is why car insurance rates for 16 to 19-year-old males are almost twice the cost of what female drivers of the same age pay. 

Typical Car Insurance Rates by Age and Gender

When you put age and gender together, you’ll find that there’s an even bigger disparity in auto insurance rates. For example, in a study, 16-year-old male drivers’ rates were found to be more than double the rates of 20-year-old female drivers.

Age Gender Full coverage Minimum Coverage
16 Female $6,055 $2,374
16 Male $6,858 $2,620
17 Female $4,871 $1,868
17 Male $5,562 $2,090
18 Female $4,206 $1,573
18 Male $4,859 $1,761
19 Female $3,087 $1,125
19 Male $3,567 $1,244
20 Female $2,769 $992
20 Male $3,195 $1,088
21 Female $2,298 $821
21 Male $2,609 $882
22 Female $2,152 $766
22 Male $2,378 $813
23 Female $2,005 $709
23 Male $2,202 $745
24 Female $1,896 $671
24 Male $2,068 $698
25 Female $1,719 $614
25 Male $1,801 $617
30 Female $1,588 $572
30 Male $1,581 $555
35 Female $1,573 $569
35 Male $1,556 $548
40 Female $1,544 $564
40 Male $1,529 $545
45 Female $1,528 $560
45 Male $1,516 $542
50 Female $1,451 $539
50 Male $1,445 $531
55 Female $1,421 $528
55 Male $1,419 $522
60 Female $1,414 $529
60 Male $1,415 $524
65 Female $1,452 $551
65 Male $1,463 $549
70 Female $1,527 $587
70 Male $1,546 $590
75 Female $1,666 $651
75 Male $1,736 $671
80 Female $1,831 $726
80 Male $1,957 $770

How Insurance Companies Set Your Rates

Insurance companies don’t all use the same equations or weigh each factor the same when setting auto insurance rates. Because each of them uses information differently, rates vary between companies.

Each state also has its own rules for how insurance companies can set auto insurance rates. Even states that border each other can have huge differences in average costs.

Where you live is ultimately one of the biggest deciding factors in what you’ll pay.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Are the Pros and Cons of Collision Insurance?

Collision insurance is often required by your lender if you are taking out a car loan. But if you are paying for a vehicle yourself, it’s worth considering the pros and cons of collision insurance before adding this optional policy.

This type of coverage pays for repairs or replacement of your vehicle if it is damaged in a collision with another vehicle or object or as a result of rolling or falling over. Collision insurance doesn’t cover medical expenses or non-collision damage.

The benefit of collision insurance is that it saves you from paying the cost of vehicle repairs in an accident or from losing your vehicle if you can’t afford to. However, adding this insurance can significantly increase your premium. You should weigh the costs of the premium against the potential damages to your vehicle to make the right decision for you. 

What Is the Average Insurance Settlement for a Rear-End Collision?

The average rear-end settlement pays out a little over $100,000. However, some have paid much higher. The settlement amount depends on the damage, injuries, and other factors.

Featured Image: Twenty20

About the author: Liam McGillivray is a writer and editor at Wealthy Millionaire. He holds a Master's degree in Public History from the University of Victoria and a BA in History and Classical Studies from Queen's University. His interests include fantasy literature, NFT gaming, and film studies.

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